Khóa học miễn phí MySQL – Character Set nhận dự án làm có lương

MySQL – Character Set

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The MySQL Character Set

The MySQL Character set is used to determine the set of permissible characters within a string. It allows for the storage of data in various character encodings. By default, MySQL uses the “utf8mb4” character set.

These character sets provides several functionalities −

  • Storage Variety − MySQL allows the storage of strings in various character sets.
  • String Comparison − Collations help in comparing strings based on the chosen character set.
  • Mixed Character Sets − It is possible to combine strings with different character sets or collations within the same server, database, or table.
  • Specifying Character Set and Collation − You can define the character set and collation at different levels of the database structure.

The MySQL Show Character-Set

You can use the MySQL SHOW CHARACTER SET statement to view the list of all the available character sets.


Following is the syntax of the SHOW CHARACTER SET statement −

SHOW CHARACTER SET [LIKE ''pattern'' | WHERE expr]


The following query retrieves a list of available character sets, along with their descriptions, default collations, and maximum lengths in a MySQL database −



Following is the output obtained −

Charset Description Default collation Maxlen
armscii8 ARMSCII-8 Armenian armscii8_general_ci 1
ascii US ASCII ascii_general_ci 1
big5 Big5 Traditional Chinese big5_chinese_ci 2
binary Binary pseudo charset binary 1
cp1250 Windows Central European cp1250_general_ci 1
cp1251 Windows Cyrillic cp1251_general_ci 1
cp1256 Windows Arabic cp1256_general_ci 1
cp1257 Windows Baltic cp1257_general_ci 1
cp850 DOS West European cp850_general_ci 1
cp852 DOS Central European cp852_general_ci 1
cp866 DOS Russian cp866_general_ci 1
cp932 SJIS for Windows Japanese cp932_japanese_ci 2
dec8 DEC West European dec8_swedish_ci 1
eucjpms UJIS for Windows Japanese eucjpms_japanese_ci 3
euckr EUC-KR Korean euckr_korean_ci 2
gb18030 China National Standard GB18030 gb18030_chinese_ci 4
gb2312 GB2312 Simplified Chinese gb2312_chinese_ci 2
gbk GBK Simplified Chinese gbk_chinese_ci 2
geostd8 GEOSTD8 Georgian geostd8_general_ci 1
greek ISO 8859-7 Greek greek_general_ci 1
hebrew ISO 8859-8 Hebrew hebrew_general_ci 1
hp8 HP West European hp8_english_ci 1
keybcs2 DOS Kamenicky Czech-Slovak keybcs2_general_ci 1
koi8r KOI8-R Relcom Russian koi8r_general_ci 1
koi8u KOI8-U Ukrainian koi8u_general_ci 1
latin1 cp1252 West European latin1_swedish_ci 1
latin2 ISO 8859-2 Central European latin2_general_ci 1
latin5 ISO 8859-9 Turkish latin5_turkish_ci 1
latin7 ISO 8859-13 Baltic latin7_general_ci 1
macce Mac Central European macce_general_ci 1
macroman Mac West European macroman_general_ci 1
sjis Shift-JIS Japanese sjis_japanese_ci 2
swe7 7bit Swedish swe7_swedish_ci 1
tis620 TIS620 Thai tis620_thai_ci 1
ucs2 UCS-2 Unicode ucs2_general_ci 2
ujis EUC-JP Japanese ujis_japanese_ci 3
utf16 UTF-16 Unicode utf16_general_ci 4
utf16le UTF-16LE Unicode utf16le_general_ci 4
utf32 UTF-32 Unicode utf32_general_ci 4
utf8mb3 UTF-8 Unicode utf8mb3_general_ci 3
utf8mb4 UTF-8 Unicode utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci 4

The MySQL Set Character-set

The MySQL SET CHARACTER SET Statement is used to assign a value to the character set attribute. It maps all the strings between the server and the current client with the specified mapping set. This statement changes values of the “character_set_client” and “character_set_results” variables.


Following is the syntax of the MySQL SET CHARACTER SET Statement −

SET {CHARACTER SET | CHARSET} {''charset_name'' | DEFAULT}

Where, ”charset_name” is the name of the character set.


The query given below sets the character set to “macroman” −



The output produced is as shown below −

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)


You can verify the character set values using the SHOW VARIABLES LIKE statement as shown below −

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_client";

Following is the output obtained −

Variable_name Value
character_set_client macroman

Now verifying the current value of the “character_set_results” variable −

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_results";

The result produced is as shown below −

Variable_name Value
character_set_results macroman

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