SQL – Inner Join Table of content An SQL Join clause is used to combine multiple related tables in a database, based on common fields/columns. There are two major types of joins: Inner Join and Outer Join. Other joins like Left Join, Right Join, Full Join etc. Are just subtypes of these two major joins. […]
Category Archives: sql
SQL – Alias Syntax Table of content You can rename a table or a column in a database temporarily by giving them another pseudo name. This pseudo name is known as Alias. The use of aliases is to address a specific table or a column in an SQL statement without changing their original name in […]
SQL – ANY, ALL Operators Table of content The SQL ANY and ALL operators are used to perform a comparison between a single value and a range of values returned by the subquery. The ANY and ALL operators must be preceded by a standard comparison operator i.e. >, >=, <, <=, =, <>, != and […]