Redis – Benchmarks Redis benchmark is the utility to check the performance of Redis by running n commands simultaneously. Syntax Following is the basic syntax of Redis benchmark. redis-benchmark [option] [option value] Example Following example checks Redis by calling 100000 commands. redis-benchmark -n 100000 PING_INLINE: 141043.72 requests per second PING_BULK: 142857.14 requests per second SET: […]
Category Archives: redis
Redis – Client Connection Redis accepts clients’ connections on the configured listening TCP port and on the Unix socket, if enabled. When a new client connection is accepted, the following operations are performed − The client socket is put in non-blocking state since Redis uses multiplexing and non-blocking I/O. The TCP_NODELAY option is set in […]
Redis – Pipelining Redis is a TCP server and supports request/response protocol. In Redis, a request is accomplished with the following steps − The client sends a query to the server, and reads from the socket, usually in a blocking way, for the server response. The server processes the command and sends the response back […]