OBIEE â Aggregates Aggregations are used to implement query performance optimization while running the reports. This eliminates the time taken by query to run the calculations and delivers the results at fast speed. Aggregate tables has less number of rows as compared to a normal table. How Aggregation Works in OBIEE? When you execute a […]
Category Archives: obiee
OBIEE â Calculation Measures Calculated measures is used to perform calculation of facts in logical tables. It defines Aggregation functions in Aggregation tab of logical column in the repository. Create New Measure Measures are defined in logical fact tables in repository. Any column with an aggregation function applied on it is called a measure. Common […]
OBIEE Tutorial Job Search Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) is a Business Intelligence (BI) tool by Oracle Corporation. Its proven architecture and common infrastructure producing and delivering enterprise reports, scorecards, dashboards, ad-hoc analysis, and OLAP analysis provides a rich end-user experience. This tutorial explains all the fundamental aspects of OBIEE. Audience This tutorial is […]