Neo4j – Count Function Assume we have created a graph in the database with the following details. Count The count() function is used to count the number of rows. Syntax Following is the syntax of the count function. MATCH (n { name: ”A” })-->(x) RETURN n, count(*) Example Following is a sample Cypher Query which […]
Category Archives: neo4j
Neo4j – Limit Clause The limit clause is used to limit the number of rows in the output. Syntax Following is the syntax of the LIMIT clause. MATCH (n) RETURN n ORDER BY LIMIT 3 Example Before proceeding with the example, create 5 nodes in the Neo4j database as shown below. CREATE(Dhawan:player{name:”shikar Dhawan”, YOB: […]
Neo4j – Remove Clause The REMOVE clause is used to remove properties and labels from graph elements (Nodes or Relationships). The main difference between Neo4j CQL DELETE and REMOVE commands is − DELETE operation is used to delete nodes and associated relationships. REMOVE operation is used to remove labels and properties. Removing a Property You […]