Neo4j – Create Unique Constraint In Neo4j database, CQL CREATE command always creates a new node or relationship which means even though you use the same values, it inserts a new row. As per our application requirements for some nodes or relationships, we have to avoid this duplication. For this, we should use some database […]
Category Archives: neo4j
Neo4j – Quick Guide Neo4j – Overview Neo4j is the world”s leading open source Graph Database which is developed using Java technology. It is highly scalable and schema free (NoSQL). What is a Graph Database? A graph is a pictorial representation of a set of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links. […]
Neo4j – Useful Resources The following resources contain additional information on Neo4j. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this. Khóa học lập trình tại Toidayhoc vừa học vừa làm dự án vừa nhận lương: Khóa học lập trình nhận lương tại trung tâm Toidayhoc