MariaDB – Order By Clause The ORDER BY clause, as mentioned in previous discussions, sorts the results of a statement. It specifies the order of the data operated on, and includes the option to sort in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. On omission of order specification, the default order is ascending. ORDER BY clauses […]
Category Archives: mariadb
MariaDB – Where Clause WHERE clauses filter various statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT. They present criteria used to specify action. They typically appear after a table name in a statement, and their condition follows. The WHERE clause essentially functions like an if statement. Review the general syntax of WHERE clause given below […]
MariaDB – Update Query The UPDATE command modifies existing fields by changing values. It uses the SET clause to specify columns for modification, and to specify the new values assigned. These values can be either an expression or the default value of the field. Setting a default value requires using the DEFAULT keyword. The command […]