Hazelcast – Monitoring Hazelcast provides multiple ways to monitor the cluster. We will look into how to monitor via REST API and via JMX. Let”s first look into REST API. Monitoring Hazelcast via REST API To monitor health of the cluster or member state via REST API, one has to enable REST API based communication […]
Category Archives: hazelcast
Hazelcast – Map Reduce & Aggregations MapReduce is a computation model which is useful for data processing when you have lots of data and you need multiple machines, i.e., a distributed environment to calculate data. It involves ”map”ing of data into key-value pairs and then ”reducing”, i.e., grouping these keys and performing operation on the […]
Hazelcast – Collection Listener Hazelcast supports addition of listeners when a given collection, for example, queue, set, list, etc. is updated. Typical events include entry added and entry removed. Let”s see how to implement a set listener via an example. So, let”s say we want to implement a listener which tracks the number of elements […]