H2 Database – Drop DROP is a command taken from the generic SQL grammar. This command is used to delete a database component and its structure from the memory. There are different scenarios with the Drop command that we will discuss in this chapter. Drop Table Drop Table is a command that deletes the respective […]
Category Archives: h2 Database
H2 Database – Merge MERGE command is used to update the existing rows and insert new rows into a table. The primary key column plays an important role while using this command; it is used to find the row. Syntax Following is the generic syntax of the MERGE command. MERGE INTO tableName [ ( columnName […]
H2 Database – Create CREATE is a generic SQL command used to create Tables, Schemas, Sequences, Views, and Users in H2 Database server. Create Table Create Table is a command used to create a user-defined table in the current database. Syntax Following is the generic syntax for the Create Table command. CREATE [ CACHED | […]