Category Archives: documentdb

Khóa học miễn phí DocumentDB – Geospatial Data nhận dự án làm có lương

DocumentDB – Geospatial Data Microsoft added geospatial support, which lets you store location data in your documents and perform spatial calculations for distance and intersections between points and polygons. Spatial data describes the position and shape of objects in space. Typically, it can be used to represent the location of a person, a place of […]

Khóa học miễn phí DocumentDB – Partitioning nhận dự án làm có lương

DocumentDB – Partitioning When your database starts to grow beyond 10GB, you can scale out simply by creating new collections and then spreading or partitioning your data across more and more collections. Sooner or later a single collection, which has a 10GB capacity, will not be enough to contain your database. Now 10GB may not […]

Khóa học miễn phí DocumentDB – Data Migration nhận dự án làm có lương

DocumentDB – Data Migration With the DocumentDB Data Migration tool, you can easily migrate data to DocumentDB. The DocumentDB Data Migration Tool is a free and open source utility you can download from the Microsoft Download Center The Migration Tool supports many data sources, some of them are listed below − MongoDB Azure Table Storage […]