DB2 – LDAP Introduction LDAP is Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is a global directory service, industry-standard protocol, which is based on client-server model and runs on a layer above the TCP/IP stack. The LDAP provides a facility to connect to, access, modify, and search the internet directory. The LDAP servers contain information which is […]
Category Archives: db2
DB2 – Storagegroups This chapter describes the Database Storagegroups. Introduction A set of Storage paths to store database table or objects, is a storage group. You can assign the tablespaces to the storage group. When you create a database, all the tablespaces take default storagegorup. The default storage group for a database is ‘IBMSTOGROUP’. When […]
DB2 – Bufferpools This chapter introduces you to Bufferpools in the database. Introduction The bufferpool is portion of a main memory space which is allocated by the database manager. The purpose of bufferpools is to cache table and index data from disk. All databases have their own bufferpools. A default bufferpool is created at the […]