Category Archives: Amazonrds

Khóa học miễn phí Amazon RDS – DB Access Control nhận dự án làm có lương

Amazon RDS – DB Access Control To access the Amazon RDS DB instance the user needs specific permissions. This is configured using AWS IAM (Identity and Access management). In this tutorial we will see how this configuration is done. The configuration involves two parts. Authentication Access Control Authentication It involves creating the username, password and […]

Khóa học miễn phí Amazon RDS – DB Monitoring nhận dự án làm có lương

Amazon RDS – DB Monitoring In order to maintain the reliability, availability, and performance of Amazon RDS, we need to collect monitoring data so that we can easily debug a multi-point failure. With Amazon RDS, you can monitor network throughput, I/O for read, write, and/or metadata operations, client connections, and burst credit balances for your […]