SQLAlchemy ORM – Updating Objects In this chapter, we will see how to modify or update the table with desired values. To modify data of a certain attribute of any object, we have to assign new value to it and commit the changes to make the change persistent. Let us fetch an object from the […]
SQLAlchemy ORM – Using Query All SELECT statements generated by SQLAlchemy ORM are constructed by Query object. It provides a generative interface, hence successive calls return a new Query object, a copy of the former with additional criteria and options associated with it. Query objects are initially generated using the query() method of the Session […]
SQLAlchemy ORM – Creating Session In order to interact with the database, we need to obtain its handle. A session object is the handle to database. Session class is defined using sessionmaker() – a configurable session factory method which is bound to the engine object created earlier. from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker Session = sessionmaker(bind = […]