SQLAlchemy ORM – Filter Operators Now, we will learn the filter operations with their respective codes and output. Equals The usual operator used is == and it applies the criteria to check equality. result = session.query(Customers).filter(Customers.id == 2) for row in result: print (“ID:”, row.id, “Name: “,row.name, “Address:”,row.address, “Email:”,row.email) SQLAlchemy will send following SQL expression […]
Returning List and Scalars There are a number of methods of Query object that immediately issue SQL and return a value containing loaded database results. Here’s a brief rundown of returning list and scalars − all() It returns a list. Given below is the line of code for all() function. session.query(Customers).all() Python console displays following […]
SQLAlchemy ORM – Applying Filter In this chapter, we will discuss how to apply filter and also certain filter operations along with their codes. Resultset represented by Query object can be subjected to certain criteria by using filter() method. The general usage of filter method is as follows − session.query(class).filter(criteria) In the following example, resultset […]