CouchDB – Installation This chapter teaches you how to install CouchDB in windows as well as Linux systems. Installing CouchDB in Windows Download CouchDB The official website for CouchDB is . If you click the given link, you can get the home page of the CouchDB official website as shown below. If you click on […]
CouchDB Tutorial Job Search This tutorial provides a brief knowledge about CouchDB, the procedures to set it up, and the ways to interact with CouchDB server using cURL and Futon. It also tells how to create, update and delete databases and documents. Audience This tutorial helps the professionals aspiring to make a career in Big […]
Discuss Apache Presto JApache Presto is an open source distributed SQL engine. Presto originated at Facebook for data analytics needs and later was open sourced. Now, Teradata joins Presto community and offers support. Apache Presto is very useful for performing queries even petabytes of data. Extensible architecture and storage plugin interfaces are very easy to […]