CouchDB – Quick Guide CouchDB – Introduction Database management system provides mechanism for storage and retrieval of data. There are three main types of database management systems namely RDBMS (Relational Database management Systems), OLAP (Online Analytical Processing Systems) and NoSQL. RDBMS RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System. RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and […]
CouchDB – Useful Resources The following resources contain additional information on CouchDB. Please use them to get more in-depth knowledge on this topic. Best Seller 208 Lectures 33 hours 20 Lectures 2 hours 34 Lectures 3 hours Khóa học lập trình tại Toidayhoc vừa học vừa làm dự án vừa nhận lương: Khóa học lập […]
Discuss CouchDB This tutorial provides a brief knowledge about CouchDB, the procedures to set it up, and the ways to interact with CouchDB server using cURL and Futon. It also tells how to create, update and delete databases and documents. Please enable JavaScript to view the Khóa học lập trình tại Toidayhoc vừa học vừa […]