PHP & MongoDB – Update Document First step to do any operation is to create a Manager instance. // Connect to MongoDB using Manager Instance $manager = new MongoDBDriverManager(“mongodb://localhost:27017″); Second step is to prepare and execute a bulkWrite object to update record(s) in the collection. // Create a BulkWrite Object $bulk = new MongoDBDriverBulkWrite([”ordered” => […]
PHP & MongoDB – Select Document First step to do any operation is to create a Manager instance. // Connect to MongoDB using Manager Instance $manager = new MongoDBDriverManager(“mongodb://localhost:27017″); Second step is to prepare and execute a Query object to select record(s) in the collection. // Create a Query Object $query = new MongoDBDriverQuery([”First_Name” => […]
PHP & MongoDB – Show Databases First step to do any operation is to create a Manager instance. // Connect to MongoDB using Manager Instance $manager = new MongoDBDriverManager(“mongodb://localhost:27017”); Second step is to prepare and execute a command on a database to show the list of databases available. // Create a Command Instance $databaseList = […]