PHP & MongoDB – Quick Guide PHP & MongoDB – Overview PHP developer team has provided MongoDB Driver for PHP and have various resources available for it. First step in connecting to MongoDB using PHP is to have mongodb PHP driver dll in php ext directory and enable it in php.ini and then use mongodb […]
PHP & MongoDB – Delete Document First step to do any operation is to create a Manager instance. // Connect to MongoDB using Manager Instance $manager = new MongoDBDriverManager(“mongodb://localhost:27017″); Second step is to prepare and execute a bulkWrite object to delete record(s) in the collection. // Create a BulkWrite Object $bulk = new MongoDBDriverBulkWrite([”ordered” => […]
PHP & MongoDB – Insert Embedded Documents First step to do any operation is to create a Manager instance. // Connect to MongoDB using Manager Instance $manager = new MongoDBDriverManager(“mongodb://localhost:27017”); Second step is to prepare and execute a bulkWrite object to insert record(s) with embedded documents in the collection. // Create a BulkWrite Object $bulk […]