OrientDB – Delete Vertex Delete Vertex command is used to remove vertices from the database. While deleting, it checks and maintains the consistency with the edges and removes all cross-references (with the edges) to the deleted vertex. The following statement is the basic syntax of Delete Vertex Command. DELETE VERTEX <vertex> [WHERE <conditions>] [LIMIT <MaxRecords>>] […]
OrientDB – Alter Property Alter Property is a command used to modify or update the Property of a particular class. Altering the property means modifying the fields of a table. In this chapter, you can learn how to update the property. The following statement is the basic syntax of Alter Property Command. ALTER PROPERTY <class>.<property> […]
OrientDB – Create Cluster Cluster is an important concept in OrientDB which is used to store records, documents, or vertices. In simple words, cluster is a place where a group of records are stored. By default, OrientDB will create one cluster per class. All the records of a class are stored in the same cluster, […]