T-SQL – Date Functions Following is the list of date functions in MS SQL Server. GETDATE() It will return the current date along with time. Syntax Syntax for the above function − GETDATE() Example The following query will return the current date along with time in MS SQL Server. Select getdate() as currentdatetime DATEPART() It […]
T-SQL – String Functions MS SQL Server String functions can be applied on string value or will return string value or numeric data. Following is the list of String functions with examples. ASCII() Ascii code value will come as output for a character expression. Example The following query will give the Ascii code value of […]
T-SQL – Indexes Indexes are special lookup tables that the database search engine can use to speed up data retrieval. Simply put, an index is a pointer to data in a table. An index in a database is very similar to an index at the end of a book. For example, if you want to […]