Using Multiple Table Updates In the previous chapter, we have discussed about how to use multiple tables. So we proceed a step further and learn multiple table updates in this chapter. Using SQLAlchemy’s table object, more than one table can be specified in WHERE clause of update() method. The PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server support […]
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Using DELETE Expression In the previous chapter, we have understood what an Update expression does. The next expression that we are going to learn is Delete. The delete operation can be achieved by running delete() method on target table object as given in the following statement − stmt = students.delete() In case of students table, […]
Using UPDATE Expression The update() method on target table object constructs equivalent UPDATE SQL expression. table.update().where(conditions).values(SET expressions) The values() method on the resultant update object is used to specify the SET conditions of the UPDATE. If left as None, the SET conditions are determined from those parameters passed to the statement during the execution and/or […]