SQL – AND and OR Conjunctive Operators Table of content Operators are reserved words primarily used in SQL to perform various operations on data, like addition (+), subtraction (-), or comparison (==). Conjunctive operators, specifically used in boolean logic, combines two conditions in an SQL statement. The most common conjunctive operators are: AND (&&), which […]
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SQL – Having Clause Table of content The SQL HAVING Clause The SQL HAVING clause is similar to the WHERE clause; both are used to filter rows in a table based on specified criteria. However, the HAVING clause is used to filter grouped rows instead of single rows. These rows are grouped together by the […]
SQL – DISTINCT Keyword Table of content The SQL DISTINCT Keyword The SQL DISTINCT keyword is used in conjunction with the SELECT statement to fetch unique records from a table. We use DISTINCT keyword with the SELECT statetment when there is a need to avoid duplicate values present in any specific columns/tables. When we use […]