Apache Presto – Custom Function Application Create a Maven project to develop Presto custom function. SimpleFunctionsFactory.java Create SimpleFunctionsFactory class to implement FunctionFactory interface. package com.tutorialspoint.simple.functions; import com.facebook.presto.metadata.FunctionFactory; import com.facebook.presto.metadata.FunctionListBuilder; import com.facebook.presto.metadata.SqlFunction; import com.facebook.presto.spi.type.TypeManager; import java.util.List; public class SimpleFunctionFactory implements FunctionFactory { private final TypeManager typeManager; public SimpleFunctionFactory(TypeManager typeManager) { this.typeManager = typeManager; } @Override public […]
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Apache Presto – KAFKA Connector The Kafka Connector for Presto allows to access data from Apache Kafka using Presto. Prerequisites Download and install the latest version of the following Apache projects. Apache ZooKeeper Apache Kafka Start ZooKeeper Start ZooKeeper server using the following command. $ bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties Now, ZooKeeper starts port on 2181. Start Kafka […]
Apache Presto – HIVE Connector The Hive connector allows querying data stored in a Hive data warehouse. Prerequisites Hadoop Hive Hopefully you have installed Hadoop and Hive on your machine. Start all the services one by one in the new terminal. Then, start hive metastore using the following command, hive –service metastore Presto uses Hive […]