T-SQL – UPDATE Statement The SQL Server UPDATE Query is used to modify the existing records in a table. You can use WHERE clause with UPDATE query to update selected rows otherwise all the rows would be affected. Syntax Following is the basic syntax of UPDATE query with WHERE clause − UPDATE table_name SET column1 […]
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T-SQL – INSERT Statement The SQL Server INSERT INTO statement is used to add new rows of data to a table in the database. Syntax Following are the two basic syntaxes of INSERT INTO statement. INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME [(column1, column2, column3,…columnN)] VALUES (value1, value2, value3,…valueN); Where column1, column2,…columnN are the names of the columns in […]
T-SQL – Create Tables Creating a basic table involves naming the table and defining its columns and each column”s data type. The SQL Server CREATE TABLE statement is used to create a new table. Syntax Following is the basic syntax of CREATE TABLE statement − CREATE TABLE table_name( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ….. […]