Author Archives: user

Khóa học miễn phí OrientDB – Basic Concepts nhận dự án làm có lương

OrientDB – Basic Concepts The main feature of OrientDB is to support multi-model objects, i.e. it supports different models like Document, Graph, Key/Value and Real Object. It contains a separate API to support all these four models. Document Model The terminology Document model belongs to NoSQL database. It means the data is stored in the […]

Khóa học miễn phí OrientDB – Console Modes nhận dự án làm có lương

OrientDB – Console Modes The OrientDB Console is a Java Application made to work against OrientDB databases and Server instances. There are several console modes that OrientDB supports. Interactive Mode This is the default mode. Just launch the console by executing the following script bin/ (or bin/console.bat in MS Windows systems). Make sure to have […]