Khóa học miễn phí Apache Presto – KAFKA Connector nhận dự án làm có lương

Apache Presto – KAFKA Connector

The Kafka Connector for Presto allows to access data from Apache Kafka using Presto.


Download and install the latest version of the following Apache projects.

  • Apache ZooKeeper
  • Apache Kafka

Start ZooKeeper

Start ZooKeeper server using the following command.

$ bin/ config/

Now, ZooKeeper starts port on 2181.

Start Kafka

Start Kafka in another terminal using the following command.

$ bin/ config/

After kafka starts, it uses the port number 9092.


Download tpch-kafka

$  curl -o kafka-tpch 

Now you have downloaded the loader from Maven central using the above command. You will get a similar response as the following.

% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current 
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed 
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:--     0  
  5 21.6M    5 1279k    0     0  83898      0  0:04:30  0:00:15  0:04:15  129k
  6 21.6M    6 1407k    0     0  86656      0  0:04:21  0:00:16  0:04:05  131k  
 24 21.6M   24 5439k    0     0   124k      0  0:02:57  0:00:43  0:02:14  175k 
 24 21.6M   24 5439k    0     0   124k      0  0:02:58  0:00:43  0:02:15  160k 
 25 21.6M   25 5736k    0     0   128k      0  0:02:52  0:00:44  0:02:08  181k 

Then, make it executable using the following command,

$ chmod 755 kafka-tpch

Run tpch-kafka

Run the kafka-tpch program to preload a number of topics with tpch data using the following command.


$ ./kafka-tpch load --brokers localhost:9092 --prefix tpch. --tpch-type tiny 


2016-07-13T16:15:52.083+0530 INFO main io.airlift.log.Logging Logging 
to stderr
2016-07-13T16:15:52.124+0530 INFO main de.softwareforge.kafka.LoadCommand
Processing tables: [customer, orders, lineitem, part, partsupp, supplier,
nation, region]
2016-07-13T16:15:52.834+0530 INFO pool-1-thread-1
de.softwareforge.kafka.LoadCommand Loading table ''customer'' into topic ''tpch.customer''...
2016-07-13T16:15:52.834+0530 INFO pool-1-thread-2
de.softwareforge.kafka.LoadCommand Loading table ''orders'' into topic ''tpch.orders''...
2016-07-13T16:15:52.834+0530 INFO pool-1-thread-3
de.softwareforge.kafka.LoadCommand Loading table ''lineitem'' into topic ''tpch.lineitem''...
2016-07-13T16:15:52.834+0530 INFO pool-1-thread-4
de.softwareforge.kafka.LoadCommand Loading table ''part'' into topic ''tpch.part''...

Now, Kafka tables customers,orders,supplier, etc., are loaded using tpch.

Add Config Settings

Let’s add the following Kafka connector configuration settings on Presto server. = kafka  

kafka.nodes = localhost:9092  

kafka.table-names = tpch.customer,tpch.orders,tpch.lineitem,tpch.part,tpch.partsupp, 

kafka.hide-internal-columns = false 

In the above configuration, Kafka tables are loaded using Kafka-tpch program.

Start Presto CLI

Start Presto CLI using the following command,

$ ./presto --server localhost:8080 --catalog kafka —schema tpch;

Here “tpch” is a schema for Kafka connector and you will receive a response as the following.


List Tables

Following query lists out all the tables in “tpch” schema.


presto:tpch> show tables;



Describe Customer Table

Following query describes “customer” table.


presto:tpch> describe customer; 


  Column           |  Type   |                   Comment 
 _partition_id     | bigint  | Partition Id 
 _partition_offset | bigint  | Offset for the message within the partition 
 _segment_start    | bigint  | Segment start offset 
 _segment_end      | bigint  | Segment end offset 
 _segment_count    | bigint  | Running message count per segment 
 _key              | varchar | Key text 
 _key_corrupt      | boolean | Key data is corrupt 
 _key_length       | bigint  | Total number of key bytes 
 _message          | varchar | Message text 
 _message_corrupt  | boolean | Message data is corrupt 
 _message_length   | bigint  | Total number of message bytes 

Khóa học lập trình tại Toidayhoc vừa học vừa làm dự án vừa nhận lương: Khóa học lập trình nhận lương tại trung tâm Toidayhoc