Khóa học miễn phí OrientDB – Freeze Database nhận dự án làm có lương

OrientDB – Freeze Database

Whenever you want to make the database state as static it means a state where the database didn’t respond to any of the read and write operations. Simply said, the database is in freeze state.

In this chapter, you can learn how to freeze the database from the OrientDB command line.

The following statement is the basic syntax of the freeze database command.


Note − You can use this command only after connecting to a particular database either in remote or local database.


In this example, we will use the same database named ‘demo’ that we created in the previous chapter. We will freeze this database from CLI.

You can use the following command to freeze the database.

Orientdb {db = demo}> FREEZE DATABASE

If it is successfully executed, you will get the following output.

Database ''demo'' was frozen successfully

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